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My GDPR policy

Privacy Policy


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new law about the way personal data is processed in the UK.  It applies to everyone who processes data as part of their business, and requires transparency about how your information is processed.

“Trust Me I’m a Dietitian” is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should you provide information by which you can be identified when using my services, you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy policy.


This privacy policy sets out how “Trust Me I’m a Dietitian” uses and protects any personal information that you provide.


Under GDPR, you have the right to be forgotten, which means that you can ask for your information held about you to be deleted.


Safeguarding Your Personal Information 


My personal mobile phone is used for the following:


  • Receiving & sending emails from/to clients

  • Speaking to clients

  • Receiving & sending text messages


My mobile phone is password and fingerprint protected and I am the only person whom has access.

My emails are sent through Google mail from a password protected computer.


Clients initials only are used for the following:

  • Hand written notes taken during a consultation

  • For the reports saved on my laptop which are sent to clients

  • Any documents provided by clients e.g. food diaries


Any documents such as letters from consultants are destroyed once no longer required.


Numbers are used in place of client names in my google calendar.


Sharing Your Personal Information

Your information will never be used for marketing or market research purposes and will not be shared with any third party.

Examples of people/organisations that I will share your data (with your prior approval) are:

 • Doctors; GPs or consultants

 • Other health professionals


Where sharing is necessary I am required to comply with all aspects of the GDPR and the British Dietetics Association (BDA) code of ethics.

If you have any queries in relation to your data please do not hesitate to contact me.

A link to the British Dietetic Associations website explaining the  role of a dietitian
A link to the freelance dietitians website & my profile page
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